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Security Uniform

Security Uniform

Why it is important security guards wear uniforms while on duty

It is vitally important for security guards to wear uniforms while on duty. Many cites and provinces in Canada outlined specific guidelines on an appropriate security uniform. They should not be confused for a law enforcement officer, such as a policeman but they should have a patch and should be standardized for the security company.

The uniform is a very important part of being a security officer. It sets an officer apart from the general populace as an individual in a position of authority. It certainly has aesthetic advantages, but the real benefit of the uniform goes way beyond just the outward appearance.

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Instant recognition

When wearing a security uniform, security guards are instantly recognized and can be utilized by customers or employees of the company in the case of an emergency. Without the uniform, customers will have to rely on an employee to react instantly and appropriately in an emergency. Security officers are trained to respond quickly and efficiently so requiring a customer to notify an employee first only slows response time.

security uniforms

Deterrence of crime

It’s a well known fact that criminals are significantly less likely to commit a crime if they feel they will be caught. Easy opportunities are what they seek. Having a uniformed security officer on the premises causes a visual deterrent to crime.

security uniforms

Increased peace of mind for employees and customers

When there is an uniformed security guard on the premises, it’s been reported that the peace of mind of both employees and customers increases. Overall there is an increased feeling of safety and protection.

security uniforms

Increased perception of professionalism

Uniforms are more professional. There’s no doubt about it. Not only is the security company seen as more professional but the company who hired the security company is perceived as more professional.

security uniforms

Increased sense of belonging by the security guard

Wearing a uniform actually causes the security guard to feel a greater sense of pride and “belonging”. They have an increased desire to represent themselves, the security company, and the company they are guarding with the highest measure of integrity.

security uniforms

In general, we feel security guards perform their duties and represent themselves much more professionally when wearing a uniform. At Bravo Apparel, we offer shirts, pants, sweaters, jackets and more for your staff. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you with your corporate security needs.

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security uniforms